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Anoles are hardy little lizards and with proper care, they can live a long and happy life while in captivity. However, many factors could cause your pet to die prematurely. So, if you notice something is wrong with your pet, and as the hours or days go by the situation does not get better, you …

Read More about 8 Signs Your Anole Is Dying + How You Can Help

If you’ve heard about blue green anoles and were curious, you’ve probably looked them up online. A Google search for “blue green anoles” yields no particular anole species but rather a few that might meet the criteria for color. Blue green anoles exist but point to more than one species. They may refer to Anolis …

Read More about Blue Green Anoles: Everything You Need To Know

Anoles are a popular reptile for beginners and young children thanks to their small size, activeness, and sometimes cheeky nature. If you’ve just added an anole lizard to your reptile collection, you’re probably wondering what plants you should use in your terrarium.   Live plants are an excellent choice for an anole terrarium. The best plants …

Read More about The 6 Best Plants For Anole Terrariums

Green anoles can be cute and interesting pets. They are particularly suitable for children and beginner reptile keepers as they can be fed by hand and aren’t too complicated to care for. When it comes to their diet, they have some specific considerations to take into account to ensure they remain healthy. Green anoles are …

Read More about What Do Green Anoles Eat? How To Properly Feed Them

If you’re up for the challenge of breeding green anoles, you’ll soon learn that caring for their eggs can be a gratifying experience. Since they require special attention, we’ve prepared a comprehensive care guide to help you in the process. Green anole eggs require a steady temperature of 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit, 80% humidity levels, and …

Read More about Green Anole Egg Care Guide And Breeding Facts

Picking out an awesome name for your green anoles is a challenge. They have different personalities and temperaments that one can hardly keep track of. Whether you’re looking for a creative or classic name, let’s go ahead and read the list of 50 awesome names for green anoles. 50 Awesome Names for Green Anoles Male …

Read More about 50 Awesome Names For Pet Green Anoles

Oh no, your once vibrant green anole has just turned a dull brown! Yes, green anoles can change color but only between green and brown. The reason why your lizard switches hues depends on many factors. Green anoles turn brown due to environmental, psychosocial, and physiological causes. They typically change color when they are cold, …

Read More about 9 Reasons Why Your Green Anole Turns Brown

The sneaky and shy little Green anoles are known to be solitary creatures. Despite that, it’s quite possible to house them with a tank mate, given that you select the right one. The best kind of tank mates for green anoles are other green anoles and anole species. Various fish and American green tree frogs …

Read More about The 6 Best Tank Mates For Green Anoles

We all want to hold and cuddle our pets from time to time, even us lizard lovers. Green anoles, however, are tiny (about 5-8 inches long when fully grown) and can be quite fast. So they’re not the easiest pet to handle. While green anoles can be handled, their delicate constitution and skittish nature make …

Read More about Can You Handle And Tame Green Anoles?

People love the vibrant color of green anoles, and their cost-friendly maintenance makes them excellent beginner pets. But one of the first things people want to know about these small tree-dwelling lizards is: Do green anoles bite? And how much do their bites hurt?  Green anoles bite defensively. They bite when they feel threatened or …

Read More about Do Green Anoles Bite? Does It Hurt?