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Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team

Hey! My name is Pierre, and I am the owner of this website. Since I was a child, I have had an enormous interest in reptiles. I have kept chameleons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and many other reptiles. A team of pet enthusiasts and I created this website to help other reptile keepers take care of their pets!

Chameleons aren’t the chubbiest of creatures to begin with. However, there are certainly times when a chameleon becomes too skinny and noticeably unhealthy, and recognizing its signs early enough can help prevent serious issues.  Your chameleon might be underweight if it has a sunken casque, a very prominent pelvic girdle, and boney limbs and tail. …

Read More about Is Your Chameleon Too Skinny? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

You’re watching your pet chameleon climbing around in its vivarium, when suddenly your chameleon falls off the branch. You gasp and wonder, did it hurt itself? Is there something wrong? When a chameleon falls, they might not move for twenty or thirty minutes. This temporary paralysis is normal, so don’t panic if your chameleon doesn’t …

Read More about Is It Normal For Chameleons To Fall? What This May Mean

Oh no, your once vibrant green anole has just turned a dull brown! Yes, green anoles can change color but only between green and brown. The reason why your lizard switches hues depends on many factors. Green anoles turn brown due to environmental, psychosocial, and physiological causes. They typically change color when they are cold, …

Read More about 9 Reasons Why Your Green Anole Turns Brown

Will your bearded dragon stay small if you do not move it into a bigger tank as an adult? Is it okay to keep an adult bearded dragon in a smaller tank? There is a lot of misinformation regarding this issue that some owners tend to keep their beardies in small tanks in an effort …

Read More about Do Bearded Dragons Really Grow To The Size Of Their Tank?

Chameleons are a unique species with some interesting behaviors that can seem odd to us humans. Eating their own shed skin is one of them. But why do they do it? Chameleons eat their shed skin for several beneficial reasons. Eating shed skin can speed up the shedding process, provide needed nutrition, aid in capturing …

Read More about 5 Reasons Why Your Chameleon Eats Its Shed Skin

Chameleons often lay infertile eggs. On average, about 10% -15% of the total clutch or 2 to 3 eggs in 20 are infertile. Since no baby chameleons will ever possibly hatch from unfertilized eggs, you may want to repurpose them.  Treat infertile chameleon eggs much like infertile chicken eggs. You can cook and eat them, …

Read More about Here Is What To Do With Infertile Chameleon Eggs

Boa Constrictors are fascinating and rewarding pets for intermediate-level reptile enthusiasts. With suitable habitat, appropriate diet, and proper veterinary care, these impressive snakes can make wonderful and engaging companions for years to come. Here we have provided a comprehensive guide on caring for boa constrictors. Boa Constrictor Facts Common Name Boa constrictor Scientific Name Boa …

Read More about Boa Constrictor Care Guide: Diet, Setup, Handling

Uromastyx lizards are a popular choice for beginner reptile owners thanks to their stunning colors, expressive face, and docile behavior toward humans. If you own a Uromastyx, you may have noticed that sometimes they look like they’re dancing as they wiggle their body from side to side. Well, there is a very good reason for …

Read More about Why Your Uromastyx Wiggles & How To Stop That

Does your Google search history contain the term ‘bearded dragon hiding all day?’ If yes, we can help. Bearded dragons are friendly with humans, so reptile owners can feel when their pet takes to isolation. If your bearded dragon is hiding, it could be a red flag to a bigger concern.  Bearded dragons generally hide …

Read More about 13 Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Hiding All Day

The sneaky and shy little Green anoles are known to be solitary creatures. Despite that, it’s quite possible to house them with a tank mate, given that you select the right one. The best kind of tank mates for green anoles are other green anoles and anole species. Various fish and American green tree frogs …

Read More about The 6 Best Tank Mates For Green Anoles