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Reptiles Fun Quiz

I Know Reptiles Quiz

Test your knowledge on various reptiles!

1 / 10

Take a guess which reptile is this?

crested gecko profile

2 / 10

What is brumation in bearded dragons?

3 / 10

What is the average lifespan of a crested gecko in captivity?

4 / 10

How do you set up a proper humid hide for a leopard gecko?

5 / 10

What is the purpose of urates in snake poop?

6 / 10

Why is providing a hiding spot important for bearded dragons?

7 / 10

Can crested geckos drop their tails, and will it grow back?

8 / 10

What is the ideal temperature range for a leopard gecko's warm hide?

9 / 10

How would you describe the typical appearance of healthy snake poop?

10 / 10

What is the primary diet of a bearded dragon?

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