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Chinese Giant Salamander Profile

Chinese Giant Salamander

Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Amphibia
  • Order: Urodela
  • Family: Cryptobranchidae
  • Genus: Andrias
  • Species: Andrias davidianus

Quick Overview

The Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus) stands as one of the largest and most extraordinary amphibians globally, hailing from the cool, swiftly flowing waters of China. Renowned for its impressive size and distinctive appearance, this species holds ecological significance and cultural value in its native region.

Fast Facts

  • Scientific Name: Andrias davidianus
  • Lifespan: Up to 60 years in captivity
  • Average Length: 1 to 1.8 meters (3.3 to 5.9 feet)
  • Diet: Carnivorous, feeding on fish, crustaceans, and insects
  • Habitat: Cold, fast-flowing streams and rivers in China
  • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Did you know?

The Chinese Giant Salamander is often referred to as the “wa wa yu” in Chinese, translating to “baby fish” due to the vocalizations resembling a crying baby.


The Chinese Giant Salamander boasts a stout body, wrinkled skin, and a flat head. Its coloration ranges from dark brown to mottled, providing effective camouflage against the riverbed. With distinctive dorsolateral ridges, it displays a unique and recognizable appearance.

Size and Weight

As one of the largest amphibians globally, Chinese Giant Salamanders can reach lengths of 1 to 1.8 meters. Their weight varies, with some individuals exceeding 60 kilograms.

Chinese Giant Salamander

Temperament and Behavior

Primarily nocturnal, these salamanders are solitary and territorial. They are skilled hunters, utilizing a sit-and-wait strategy to ambush prey. Vocalizations play a crucial role in communication, particularly during the breeding season.

Fun Fact

Chinese Giant Salamanders are known for their vocalizations, producing a range of sounds, including barks, whistles, and even a “mooing” sound during courtship.

Habitat and Distribution

Endemic to China, these salamanders inhabit fast-flowing streams and rivers in mountainous regions. They are highly adapted to cold, well-oxygenated water, emphasizing the importance of maintaining pristine aquatic environments.

Care Guide

Due to their specific habitat requirements and critically endangered status, Chinese Giant Salamanders are not suitable as pets. Conservation efforts focus on habitat preservation, breeding programs, and combating illegal wildlife trade.

Diet and Nutrition

In their natural habitat, Chinese Giant Salamanders feed on fish, crustaceans, and insects. Replicating a similar diet in captivity is crucial for their health and well-being.

Health and Wellness

Conservation initiatives concentrate on protecting their native habitats, addressing threats like habitat loss, pollution, and disease. Captive breeding programs aim to contribute to the species’ survival.


Breeding involves elaborate courtship rituals, and females lay eggs in underwater nests. Male salamanders actively guard the eggs until hatching. The larvae undergo metamorphosis, transitioning into juvenile salamanders.

Chinese Giant Salamander

Conservation Status

The Chinese Giant Salamander is classified as Critically Endangered due to habitat degradation, water pollution, and over-exploitation for traditional medicine and the pet trade. Urgent conservation measures are essential to prevent further decline.

Fun Fact

Chinese folklore associates the giant salamander with mythical creatures, attributing it with qualities of good fortune and protection against evil spirits.

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3 Fascinating Facts About Chinese Giant Salamanders

  • Primitive Lineage: Belonging to one of the oldest amphibian lineages, Chinese Giant Salamanders are often referred to as living fossils. Their evolutionary history dates back over 170 million years, providing valuable insights into the ancient origins of amphibians and the biodiversity of our planet.
  • Critical Endangerment: Facing numerous threats, including habitat loss and over-exploitation, Chinese Giant Salamanders are critically endangered, demanding urgent conservation attention.
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team