I have a big trip coming up across the country for a week and I’m left with that nagging feeling: Should I leave my snakes alone while I’m away? I love my pets, but my snakes have very specific needs. Leaving them alone requires careful preparation. Luckily, I’ve done it before. Most snakes can be …
I’ve seen countless posts on social media showing snakes watching TV. I even know a pet ball python named Harry who shows interest whenever I turn on my current favorite TV show, but can a snake really watch TV like a person does? Snakes can watch television, but they will not understand what they are …
As a reptile enthusiast, I kept my snakes separate for years, assuming that these amazing predators had to be kept apart. It was only when I was concerned about my garter snake, Tammy, getting lonely that I looked into whether snakes can be housed together or not. Most snake species do not get lonely. They …