Worms come in many different shapes and sizes and are not all the same type of animal. Worms are the larval stage of an insect’s life and could develop into moths, flies, beetles, or other adult insects. Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) love to eat worms, but which ones are safe and healthy for them? Black …
Leopard Gecko
Most Leopard Gecko owners know that their lizards enjoy eating caterpillars, but opinions on individual species are often subject to discussion. The most frequent questions are whether Leopard Geckos eat hornworms and what is the recommended number that will not endanger their health. Hornworms are sizable and thick caterpillars that are hard for young geckos …
Feeding Leopard Geckos is typically effortless. It is enough to offer the necessary amount of insects in a limited period and let them go hunting. Adding caterpillars is an excellent way to provide required calcium to lizards’ daily diet, but many owners are unsure how to feed hornworms to Leopard Geckos. The best option is …
Leopard Geckos owners know that their pets require an adequate feeding schedule and enough nutrients to be healthy and prosperous. However, certain food can be harmful to them, including some caterpillars. The question is can hornworms hurt Leopard Geckos, and are they too big for these lizards. Hornworms can’t harm Leopard Geckos. However, those found …
Every leopard gecko loves mealworms – and with giant mealworms, there’s even more to love! But if giant mealworms are new to you, you might be wondering what exactly they are, and how they differ from your leo’s regular insect menu. Giant mealworms are an exceptionally nutritious food choice for adult leopard geckos. They are …
Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) are often used as staple feeder insects for Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius). But, Leopard Geckos need variation to get the optimum intake of nutrients. Mealworms alone are not an ideal diet for your pet. So, how many mealworms should you feed your Leopard Gecko? Mealworms can be fed often, as part of …
It’s been said that mealworms are a leopard gecko’s favorite dish – and knowing how eagerly they can devour these insects, we’re sure it’s true. But what do you do if one day your leo refuses to eat their mealworms? What’s going on? A leopard gecko may refuse to eat mealworms if the gecko is …
When you get a leopard gecko, one of the first things you look for is an easy way to feed it. Amongst the range of feeds out there, canned mealworms certainly look like a convenient option! But what are the benefits of canned mealworms for leopard geckos? Are they a good choice in the long …
Today, many owners prefer feeding mealworms to their Leopard Geckos due to their rich nutrient content. But, what about dried mealworms? Can Leopard Geckos eat dried mealworms? Leopard geckos can eat dried mealworms, but as dried mealworms don’t move, leopard geckos might not recognize them as food and won’t eat them. Also, since dried mealworms …
Silkworms (Bombyx mori) are emerging as a solid feeder choice in the leopard gecko community, increasing curiosity about the species. If you’ve been wondering whether silkworms would suit your reptile in terms of nutrition and expense – you’ve come to the right place. Silkworms are an excellent diet option for leopard geckos due to their …