There are many ways to offer food to your Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius). Popular methods include allowing your Leopard Gecko to hunt, using a dish, and hand-feeding. All methods have pros and cons. So, is hand-feeding your Leopard Gecko OK, and how should you do it? Hand-feeding your Leopard Gecko is a positive way to …
Leopard Gecko
When your Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) stops eating or loses weight, it is really worrying. You might try offering different foods, or hand feeding. But how do you know when you should force-feed your Leopard Gecko? Force-feeding should be a last resort. If your Leopard Gecko has refused to eat for more than a week, …
Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) can be picky eaters and sometimes start to accept only one type of insect. But how can this happen and what can you do about it? How do you feed a Leopard Gecko that is a picky eater? If your Leopard Gecko will only eat wax worms, you should stop feeding …
When your Leopard Gecko stops eating, it can be a very worrying time. Though there are natural causes for a Leopard Gecko to lose their appetite temporarily, we still need to make sure we do what we can to encourage them to eat and stay healthy. So, why has your Leopard Gecko stopped eating? A …
There are countless water features in pet shops, and each has a mile-long list of perks. That’s why leo owners can get confused when picking one out for their pet’s enclosure. Since fountains are more aesthetically pleasing, reptile parents often ask, are waterfalls okay for leopard geckos? Waterfalls are not recommended for leopard gecko enclosures …
Caring for a leo can be a little intimidating for first-timers, especially aspects relating to diet and hydration. Whether you are a gecko owner with travel plans or if your reptile has developed an aversion to drinking, asking how long can leopard geckos survive without water isn’t uncommon. While there’s no set timeline, a healthy …
As a leopard gecko owner, you undoubtedly want the best for your little friend. Crickets and mealworms are excellent choices for many reptiles, but could other insects add more variety, excitement, and nutrition to your gecko’s diet? Flies, for example? Leopard geckos can eat flies! In the wild, geckos will eat any available insect, and …
Even though Leopard Geckos are insectivores, some owners consider isopods as nutritious, healthy, and desirable food. The question is – Can Leopard Geckos eat isopods or at least those several dozen species cultivated in captivity and sold as lizard food? You can feed your Leopard Gecko with land isopods, like sowbugs, potato bugs, and pill …
One of the most costly and complex things about keeping a Leopard Gecko is providing the right diet. We all know that Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) need a varied diet of different insects. This can cause your budget to vary too. So, how much does Leopard Gecko food cost? Feeding an adult Leopard Gecko a …
Knowing how to store the feeder insects for your Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) diet is essential. Good storage practice means that they will last longer, be better value for money, and give the greatest nutritional value to your Leopard Gecko. So, what is the best way to store Leopard Gecko food? Feeder insects need to …