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Novice bearded dragon keepers are always curious to know how long bearded dragons can go without heat. If you’re thinking along the same lines, you’ve landed in the perfect spot. Bearded dragons don’t do well for too long without warmth. These creatures can go up to 24 hours without heat, but only if the temperature …

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Most Bearded Dragon owners are not prepared for seizures occurring in their lizards. This condition, followed by horrifying trembling and muscular twitching, is not so common but can be highly stressful to see. Therefore, you should know what to expect and how to react when facing it. Bearded Dragon seizures are an unpleasant and potentially …

Read More about Seizures In Bearded Dragons: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Does your bearded dragon ever stand up in its enclosure, and you want to know why? There are several reasons for this behavior. Your bearded dragons may stand up tall in their enclosure because they are sleeping and feel more comfortable. They could be sleeping standing up due to stress or incorrect cage temperature. In …

Read More about 7 Reasons Why Bearded Dragons Stand Up Tall

Bearded dragons have unique characteristics, and their actions often indicate how they feel. You may have noticed that your bearded dragon is lying on its back. Is that safe, and how long can they lay like that for?  Bearded dragons can not be left on their backs for long periods, as this can result in …

Read More about How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Be On Its Back?

Nobody likes dry, flaky skin. And nobody likes to constantly see dry, peeling skin on their bearded dragon. Bearded dragons shed their skin periodically, but are they really supposed to shed their skin ALL the time? Bearded dragons shed their skin in cycles that decrease in frequency as they get older. What looks like excess …

Read More about 7 Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Shedding So Much

Bearded dragons often fall off their owners’ hands. Veterinarians suggest they’re animated creatures, so they may even jump from things out of sheer curiosity! But how resilient are they to falling? Bearded dragons are semi-arboreal reptiles. Short-distance falls usually don’t cause any issues. However, the risk of injury depends on their age, prior health issues, …

Read More about My Bearded Dragon Just Fell – What Now?

One of the strangest things beardies do is pooping in food and water bowls, often leaving their owners bewildered and wondering why. Turns out, there are quite a few reasons behind this. Bearded dragons may defecate in water bowls as water acts as a muscle relaxant. The swimming moves can also stimulate them, or they …

Read More about Why Your Bearded Dragon Poops In His Food Or Water Bowl

Is your bearded dragon freaking out in its tank or when you try to handle it? Bearded dragons can exhibit seemingly irrational behavior, but do they have panic attacks? Bearded dragons may act like they’re having a panic attack, but their heightened anxiety is usually triggered by something tangible. Suddenly running around, trying to flee, …

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Have you been struggling to handle your bearded dragon? It is possible that you are not making any progress as your bearded dragon is too scared to focus on building a bond. What are the reasons why bearded dragons get scared? Is there anything that you can do to make your beardie less scared? Bearded …

Read More about 5 Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Scared + How To Help

Have you noticed your bearded dragon staring at you? Does it mean that it loves you? Or is it staring because it is wary of you? It may be concerning when you see your bearded dragon having staring spells, but you do not have to be worried as this behavior is natural to them. Bearded …

Read More about 5 Reasons Why Your Bearded Dragon Stares At You