Chameleons are popular reptiles to own thanks to their quiet demeanor and stunning colors, and they are relatively easy to care for. Sometimes chameleons can suffer from conditions such as tail rot. Untreated tail rot can be fatal, so every responsible chameleon owner should know what to look out for and how to treat it. …
It’s not uncommon for leopard geckos to lose their nails. The situation can often result in bleeding and soreness, leaving owners wondering if the nails will ever grow back. Leopard geckos cannot regrow their nails unless it’s just the tip that has been chipped. Most of the time, they will lose the entire nail and …
Anything other than the usual brown log of poop from your beardie may freak you out as an owner. If you’re noticing orange poops in particular, we’re here to help you figure out what might be causing them. The main reasons why bearded dragons have orange feces is due to excessive supplements, consuming foods that …
Crested Geckos are fascinating pets that have gained popularity for their adorable appearance and beginner-friendly care requirements. However, despite their hardiness, crested geckos can suffer from stress that leads to a range of health issues over time. There are many signs to watch out for in a stressed crested gecko. While several of them are …
Keeping your bearded dragon’s tank at the correct temperature and their basking spot nice and hot takes some getting used to when you’re a new beardie owner. However, the “quick fixes” – like heat rocks – may not be the best remedy to get the temperatures just right. Although bearded dragons need a heat source, …
Bearded dragons can eat a wide range of food, so feeding time becomes very fun as reptile enthusiasts watch how their bearded dragons react to different kinds of food. A common question we get is whether bearded dragons can be fed certain human foods. A wide variety of fresh human foods can be fed to …
Should you provide a dig box for your bearded dragon? What should you put inside a dig box of a bearded dragon? A dig box can be an enrichment tool and can be used for the exercise of your bearded dragon. How do you create the perfect dig box for your bearded dragon? A perfect …
Bearded dragons have miles of space to roam in the wild. They have plenty of room to drop their poop without their waste accumulating in the areas where they live. However, poop can quickly build up and become a problem in a terrarium. Routinely cleaning up bearded dragon poop is the best way to keep …
Your bearded dragon’s poop can really tell you a lot about how they are feeling, so seeing an insect’s leg or wing in its poop is normal. This is because bearded dragons can gobble their food down. What’s not normal is seeing whole undigested insects and food in their poop. If you see this, you …
You might find taking a look at your bearded dragon’s poop gross. But you noticed lately that your beardie’s excreting yellow poop instead of its usual brown with white urates. Should I worry about it? Yellow poop in bearded dragons is commonly caused by high calcium intake, prolonged UVB light exposure, a high beta-carotene diet, …