The temperature in a leopard gecko’s cage is crucial to every leo’s health and wellbeing. Achieving the precise temperature in a leo’s cage is especially important at night when the temperature tends to drop. Leopard geckos need a temperature of 68 °F during the night to get into deep sleep. Higher temperatures during the night …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
Witnessing your leopard gecko dropping its tail can be jarring for first-time owners. How traumatic losing a tail is for a gecko? How easily do leopard geckos drop their tails? Young leopard geckos are more likely to lose their tail than adults. The act of losing its tail voluntarily, as an act of defense, is …
Leopard geckos are crepuscular and generally get active during dusk and dawn. Due to a lack of sufficient research on their behavior, they were believed to be nocturnal before. But what does it mean if your leopard gecko is awake during the day? Is it normal? Yes, it is normal for leopard geckos to be …
Looking after your leopard gecko can be tricky if it’s your first reptile, or it does something out of the ordinary – like only staying on the cold side of their tank. It would have been so easy if your leopard gecko could just say what’s wrong, but, alas, you’ll need to check a few …
Leopard geckos are among the most popular pets in the lizard family. These amazing pets are insectivores. But are they cannibals, too? Leopard Geckos do exhibit cannibalistic behavior. They are known to sometimes eat smaller members of their species or even their own young ones. This usually happens if there is a lack of food …
Seeing your Leopard Gecko biting at itself can be very disconcerting, especially if you’ve never seen this behavior before. However, you’ll be glad to know that in most cases, it is perfectly normal for your Leopard Gecko to bite itself. Leopard Geckos usually bite at themselves because they are removing skin while they are shedding. …
In this article, you will find a listing of 9 reptiles that are ideal for a ten-gallon tank setup. We are going to talk about these reptiles in detail, discuss what they need in their habitats, and give you tank setup ideas so you can further plan your journey into owning one of these incredible …
When I first started out as a leopard gecko owner, I knew that they shed their skin every now and then. However, when my female leopard gecko, Molly, started to shed her skin far more often, I wondered if it was too much. Was there something wrong? Leopard geckos need to shed their skin to …
Having a leopard gecko as a pet can be fun and rewarding. But like all pets, they have their own set of challenges and health issues. The more knowledge and understanding of your leopard gecko you have the better you can ensure it has a happy and healthy life! Mouth rot, known as infectious stomatitis, …
Last year, I noticed that my Leopard gecko, Ralf, was drinking a lot more water than usual. Soon, other symptoms followed and I realized that he was very ill. With some research, I solved all of his issues, but I wish I had known that his excess water intake was the first sign of trouble. …