Crested gecko owners sometimes feed mealworms to their beloved pets because they are an easy option. Even some pet shop owners recommend mealworms as a great food source for crested geckos, but the truth is, this will do more harm than good. Crested geckos should only eat mealworms occasionally. Mealworms are difficult to digest, causing …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
If you’re worried about the way your snake is acting and that it may be stressed, you’ve come to the right place. There are many reasons why snakes can become stressed and in this article, we’ll cover 14 signs of stress and how you can keep your snake from being stressed. Signs Of Stress In …
My friend’s son wants a pet snake, but as my friend put it: “aren’t snakes dangerous?” This is an important question, but it’s equally important to realize that beginner snakes are never dangerously venomous. Most pet snakes are not dangerous, in of themselves. You require special permission to own any seriously dangerous animal, so most …
Crested geckos can eat a surprising variety of food, unlike some other reptiles which are strictly insectivorous. One of the types of food you may be wondering about feeding your crested gecko is honey. Crested geckos can eat honey. It can be a beneficial treat for them as well as being useful for treating injuries. …
Right after a snake sheds is one of the times they look their best. Any little injuries to the old layer of skin will have been shed away and the fresh new skin will be bright, clean, and have your snake looking gorgeous. Naturally, you’ll want to handle your snake when they’re looking so good. …
Corn snakes are a great option for a first-time snake owner. Being new to this amazing hobby leads to some inevitable questions, however. One of the most common things a beginner wants to know is if their corn snake will get lonely and if they should keep more than one in the same enclosure? Corn …
Ball pythons are known for their calm and docile nature. This, along with a reasonable size, is one of the reasons that they are so popular in the pet trade. However, some owners find that their ball pythons don’t seem very mellow at all, instead choosing to hiss at them. Ball pythons may hiss at …
Leopard geckos have important water needs, but I often tell new pet owners that “water isn’t just water”. The type of water you give to your leopard gecko can significantly impact its health if it is contaminated. Reptisafe is a water conditioner advertised to make water safe for lizards, but is it really needed? Leopard …
Whether your snake is new or you’ve had it for a time, your snake may try to escape from their tank on occasion. However, your snake is not just out to go exploring the rest of your house, but may have a very good reason for trying to escape. Indeed, sometimes their lives may depend …
Snakes are fascinating pets for a number of reasons, from their unique behavior to their beautiful appearance. However, you may be questioning whether you can really bond with your snake. In fact, it likely is possible for you to form a bond with your pet snake, although this bond may not look the same as …