Blue tongue skinks are easy to handle and care for, making them the perfect reptile pets for beginners. However, even if you have some experience taking care of reptiles, it’s perfectly normal to occasionally wonder whether your blue tongue skink is happy or not. We’ll list 8 signs that will help you tell if your …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
Chameleons are the sweetest creatures. They are beautiful, fascinating, shy, and extremely docile. You would believe that they will make the perfect pets and you can hold them all day! But unfortunately, that’s not the case. Chameleons don’t like to be held. They don’t like human interaction and love to be in their own space. …
There are few things as sad as a crested gecko whose tank contents consist of nothing more than a hide and water and food bowls! Did you know that you can even use real plants in your crested gecko’s tank? There are so many you can use – and they look a lot better than …
Blue Tongue Skinks are some of the biggest pet lizard species and they are a lot of fun to keep and care for. But with those big mouths comes a big question: do they bite and how much does it hurt? Let’s explore how likely you are to be bitten by a pet Blue Tongue …
So you’re ready to get your chameleon? Congratulations! But first, you need to know whether a girl or boy chameleon would be better for you. Let’s find out what the differences are, and how they will affect you as a pet owner. Male chameleons are larger, more aggressive, and have brighter colors. They have longer …
Chameleons make beautiful and entertaining pets, thanks to their bright colors and comical expressions. But are they good pets to handle and pet, or are they likely to cause injury? Today we are going to talk about the chances of chameleons biting, how risky this is, and how to prevent it. Chameleons are unlikely to …
Chameleons are lovable and entertaining lizards that make great pets for reptile enthusiasts. However, their permanent smiles and bright colors can cause people to think that they are endlessly happy, even when they aren’t. So, how can you tell if your chameleon really is happy and healthy? A happy chameleon will have relaxed colors. It …
40 gallons may not seem like a lot of room, but you may be amazed by just how many different species can be happily accommodated in a tank of this size for their entire lives. Whether you want a very active pet that you can watch run around the space or you prefer a reptile …
Eye infections can be an absolute nightmare to Leopard Geckos owners. I suppose you want to know what an eye infection is, how it looks, and why it appears in those pets. Plus, it is vital to discover typical symptoms on time and ways of treating each particular condition. Let’s take a look. Leopard Geckos …
Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) make fantastic pets. They’re docile, easy to care for, and always smiling. But if you have just brought home your new Crested Gecko, how do you find out whether it’s a boy or a girl? Mature male Crested Geckos have pronounced hemipenal bulges below the vent. Females are flat in this …