Gecko owners often run into roadblocks regarding their pets’ diet. Live feeders can sometimes be difficult to acquire or breed at home. That’s why topics like preserved edible insects are gaining relevance, leading to questions like: can you feed leopard geckos dried crickets? Leopard Geckos shouldn’t be fed dried crickets because they have little nutritional …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
Crickets (Acheta domesticus) are a staple part of the diet of many Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) in captivity. But, it can be difficult to judge how many to give. So, how many crickets should you feed your Leopard Gecko? Leopard Geckos should eat 5 to 8 crickets per meal. Portion size is controlled by the …
Crickets (Acheta domesticus) are a staple feeder insect that is commonly fed to Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius). But, they are not good feeders if given unsupplemented or with no technique. So, how should you feed a Leopard Gecko crickets? Crickets should be gut-loaded in the 48 hours before feeding them to a Leopard Gecko. They …
Crickets (Acheta domesticus) are an extremely popular feeder insect for Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius). But, are crickets really that good for your Leopard Gecko? In this article, we will explore whether your Leopard Gecko can and should eat crickets. Crickets are a good staple feeder for Leopard Geckos, as they are high in protein and …
Leopard geckos just love crunchy, nutrient-rich crickets. Black and brown crickets are just two of the most common crickets that can easily be bought, farmed, or caught, but are they good for your leo? Both black and brown crickets are good sources of essential nutrients for leopard geckos. They are packed with essential nutrients with only a …
Feeding your Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) a wide range of different insects is good husbandry. A varied diet helps to ensure that your Leopard Gecko gets all the right nutrients and can provide environmental enrichment through practicing hunting. Grasshoppers could be an exciting addition to your Leopard Gecko’s diet. But, can Leopard Geckos eat grasshoppers …
Sometimes, it is nice to offer your Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) something a little bit different. But, when you’re not feeding an item often, it can be very inconvenient to buy a container of live feed. So, can Leopard Geckos eat freeze-dried grasshoppers (Acrididae spp.)? Leopard Geckos can be fed freeze-dried grasshoppers as a rare …
Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) are insectivorous. They need to eat a varied diet of suitable feeder insects to stay healthy. It’s always fun to introduce a new feeder insect to your pet. So, can Leopard Geckos eat locusts (Acrididae spp.)? Locusts make good staple feeder insects for Leopard Geckos. They are very high in protein …
Worms come in many different shapes and sizes and are not all the same type of animal. Worms are the larval stage of an insect’s life and could develop into moths, flies, beetles, or other adult insects. Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) love to eat worms, but which ones are safe and healthy for them? Black …
Most Leopard Gecko owners know that their lizards enjoy eating caterpillars, but opinions on individual species are often subject to discussion. The most frequent questions are whether Leopard Geckos eat hornworms and what is the recommended number that will not endanger their health. Hornworms are sizable and thick caterpillars that are hard for young geckos …