Many lizards are able to drop their tail, which is a defense mechanism. While their tails grow back, they will never look the same as before. What about uromastyx? Are they able to drop their spiky tails? Uromastyx can’t drop their characteristic spiked tails. They’re in the agamid lizard genus and lack this defense mechanism …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
When they’re not feeling well, bearded dragons can vomit just like we humans do. Vomiting is an attempt to remove possible harmful stomach contents to help protect an organism from disease. But what actually causes beardies to throw up? And what should pet parents do if their bearded dragon is throwing up? Bearded dragons usually …
Are you considering getting a crested gecko? These unique animals are easy to care for and can make a perfect pet for beginners. To make sure that your crested gecko gets the best possible care, it is important to first learn about how to properly look after them. This guide will provide you with the …
Have you seen your chameleon dancing? We usually see this little dance when they walk or climb. What does it mean when chameleons rock back and forth? Is it normal for them to walk like that or should it be a cause for concern? Chameleons rock back and forth when they walk as mimicry of …
You may notice that your chameleon is waving at you whenever you pass by its enclosure, however cute this may be, your chameleon may actually be scratching the glass of its cage. Why do chameleons scratch the glass? What can you do to stop this behavior? Chameleons scratch the glass of their enclosures when the …
Even though reptiles’ eyes are slightly different from those of mammals or birds, it doesn’t mean they are any less susceptible to eye infections. In fact, many of the causes of eye infections in mammals and birds can also cause eye infections in beardies. Infectious diseases, poor husbandry, inappropriate diet can cause eye infections in …
Uromastyx are a popular pet reptile species well-known for their beautiful, spiny tails. However, they are prone to a condition known as tail rot, which can become life-threatening if left untreated. Knowing the symptoms, causes, and treatment is an important skill that uromastyx owners should learn. Tail rot or tail necrosis in uromastyx occurs due …
Tokay geckos are one of the largest and most beautiful gecko species; however, they are known for being highly aggressive and having a very strong bite. Nevertheless, they can be good pets for people that have some previous experience handling reptiles because their care needs are pretty straightforward once their enclosure is all setup. Here …
How do you set up a perfect veiled chameleon cage? As veiled chameleons need consistent humidity levels, it is essential to set up an enclosure that can help with humidity but also be able to release air for proper ventilation. What should you put inside the enclosure of a veiled chameleon? A veiled chameleon cage …
Breeding reptiles is a hobby that most enthusiasts become interested in at some point. Breeding lizards, like green anoles, can be challenging yet rewarding. One of the critical steps in ensuring success is being able to confirm that your female green anole is pregnant and successfully carrying eggs. Female green anoles display various physical and …