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Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team

Hey! My name is Pierre, and I am the owner of this website. Since I was a child, I have had an enormous interest in reptiles. I have kept chameleons, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and many other reptiles. A team of pet enthusiasts and I created this website to help other reptile keepers take care of their pets!

When you think about the word “pet” maybe a bearded dragon is not the first thing that comes to mind. However, these reptiles are known to be very docile animals that make great pets! Now, the question that remains is, do bearded dragons like to be petted? Although there are no scientific studies that can …

Read More about Do Bearded Dragons Like To Be Pet? Do This!

Did your bearded dragon pass a runny stool? Does the poop look abnormal? Your bearded dragon may be suffering from diarrhea. Why does your bearded dragon have diarrhea and what can you do to relieve its symptoms? The symptoms of diarrhea in bearded dragons are abnormal poop, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, and sudden …

Read More about Bearded Dragon: Diarrhea – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

A common concern when considering getting a pet lizard is if it will bite you and how much being bitten would hurt. Uromastyx are tough lizards which means that you don’t need to worry too much about inadvertently injuring them during handling. But should you be worried about a uro biting you? Uromastyx can bite …

Read More about Uromastyx Bite: Does It Hurt? How To Stop It

Do you have a Uromastyx, and it is sleeping all the time? If your Uromastyx appears inactive, disinterested, and sleeping more than usual, there are a few reasons. Uromastyx sleep a lot during brumation, when they are injured, infected with parasites, or if the temperatures in their enclosures are too low. Other reasons for unusual …

Read More about 5 Reasons Your Uromastyx Is Sleeping So Much

Uromastyx, also known as spiny-tailed lizards or dabb lizards, have unique appearances and behavior, making them incredibly appealing pets. But this type of lizard can suffer from clogged femoral pores, which can worry beginner and veteran hobbyists alike. One of the most common reasons why Uromastyx get clogged femoral pores is insufficient activity. Femoral pores …

Read More about Uromastyx: Clogged Femoral Pores – Causes, Treatment

If you are a proud owner of a Uromastyx lizard, you may have noticed it exhibiting a peculiar behavior known as “glass surfing.” While it may seem harmless at first glance, glass surfing behavior can actually be your uromastyx telling you that something is wrong. Uromastyx lizards repeatedly glass-surf when stressed due to problems related …

Read More about Why Your Uromastyx Is Glass Surfing + How To Stop It

Uromastyx and Bearded Dragons are both captivating lizards that are very popular among reptile enthusiasts. Due to a few shared characteristics, some people think that they can be housed together. Are you curious about keeping uromastyx and bearded dragons together? Uromastyx and bearded dragons cannot live together due to their major differences in behavior, habitat …

Read More about Why Uromastyx and Bearded Dragons Can’t Live Together

Perhaps you are considering getting a bearded dragon for yourself or as a pet for your kids, and you are wondering how much their bite can hurt. Or maybe a bearded dragon has already bitten you, and you want to know what to do and how to prevent it from happening again.  Bearded dragons rarely …

Read More about Bearded Dragon Bite: How Much It Hurts + How To Stop It

Uromastyx are fascinating reptiles well-known for their distinctive appearance, docile temperament, and interesting behaviors. But as with any pet, it is vital to understand their care requirements, including their natural shedding process. Shedding is a normal process that uromastyx undergo every few months to replace their old skin. Improper shedding may occur due to issues …

Read More about Uromastyx Shedding Guide: Everything You Must Know

Do You have a Uromastyx as a pet and want to know how to ensure they are happy and healthy? There are easy ways to determine if you are accomplishing this goal. You can tell a Uromastyx is happy and healthy when they are active, eat their vegetables, and have regular bowel movements. Their habitus …

Read More about 6 Signs Your Uromastyx Is Happy And Healthy