We all want to hold and cuddle our pets from time to time, even us lizard lovers. Green anoles, however, are tiny (about 5-8 inches long when fully grown) and can be quite fast. So they’re not the easiest pet to handle. While green anoles can be handled, their delicate constitution and skittish nature make …
Pierre And The ReptileCraze Team
Familiarising yourself with your chameleon’s habits and behavior means you can be quick to spot when there may be something wrong. What are the signs that a chameleon is dying and what can be do about it? The signs that a chameleon is dying are usually decreased appetite and weight loss, decreased activity, shaking, and …
The white lipped python is a gorgeous snake with distinct markings around the lips and head. If you are thinking of adding one of these snakes to your family, there are a few things you need to know first. Best suited to intermediate or experienced snake owners, this guide will help you to set up …
The African egg-eating snake is particularly impressive. Since they only eat eggs, African egg-eating snakes make an interesting reptile pet for someone who doesn’t feel comfortable feeding their snake insects or animals. But how easy is an African egg-eating snake to care for? African egg-eating snakes, like all reptiles, have specific needs in terms of …
People love the vibrant color of green anoles, and their cost-friendly maintenance makes them excellent beginner pets. But one of the first things people want to know about these small tree-dwelling lizards is: Do green anoles bite? And how much do their bites hurt? Green anoles bite defensively. They bite when they feel threatened or …
Savannah monitors are intelligent and mild-mannered reptiles that form a trusting relationship between owner and pet, so it can be very nerve-wracking when your Savannah monitor starts behaving differently. If you have noticed that your Savannah monitor is leaving its mouth open, there are some different reasons for it. The most common reason why savannah …
Bearded dragons need a good heat source to remain active. In the wild, they’re known to bask under the sun to get both the light and heat they need. But, in captivity, you need the help of certain equipment to keep them warm and active. Bearded dragons need heat pads as supplemental sources of heat …
Ball python enthusiasts and experienced owners have numerous questions about their snakes’ origin and well-being. Most doubts are related to the pet’s traits, diet, and adequate environmental conditions, particularly tank size and inside temperature and humidity. Let’s see. This article gives you a rundown of things you should know about your Ball python’s typical behavior, …
If you’ve never owned a snake before, you might want to dip your toes in the water with a low-maintenance option like the DeKay’s brown snake. This species is easy to take care of and won’t require much in the way of daily care. Learn more about what it takes to properly keep brown snakes …
It can be concerning to see your that your bearded dragon has cloudy eyes. In this article, we’ll explain the causes of cloudy eyes on bearded dragons and what you can do!